Last week we got our new chickens (of which we think one is a rooster....again). Our friend, Peter, who we bought the chickens from , said that they had to be locked up in the coop for a couple of days until "where they lived". Also it was good to keep them separated from the other old chickens since the old ones can be kind of nasty to the little ones in the beginning.
The new ones |
When the young ones were confined to the coop and the small pen outside, the big ones were ot and about on the farm eating insects and grass. But this meant of course that Senhor Lars and his ladies were locked out from their nests. So no eggs for three days more or less. One or two mornings we got an egg which had been laid during the night or early morning. But there were much less eggs than normal.
Yesterday Senhora Idalina was here to help us prune the fruit trees. She had done the ones in the lower field and had started with the ones in the garden. When she pruned the ones around the villa she suddenly called Lars.
Senhora Idalina, professional pruner |
The treasure |
Here were the egss from when the chickens were locked out from the coop. It is a good thing it hasn´t been warm out so they were all fresh and perfect to use.
11 fresh eggs |
All of a sudden we had plenty of eggs again.
Maybe there is a treasure in here as well. |
Something must be in there |
Tack för kommentaren hos oss! Under resan har flera berättat för oss om er blogg och ert ställe! Fascinerande! Vi har rullat vidare till Spanien nu, men kanske kommer vi tillbaka till Portugal vid annat tillfälle. Vi blev till och med lite sugna på att försöka starta en bed & breakfast där, så man vet aldrig! ;)
RaderaVad kul att vår blogg läses. :)
Nästa gång ni kommer till Portugal måste ni absolut hälsa på. Vi har to.m. en plats för husbil. El,dusch och toa finnes.
Hälsningar Åse och Lasse