Busy week with a lot of guests have made us neglecting our blog horrendously. We will try to become better and write more frequently but we can´t promise since we´re going into the busy season for us.
We have had, as mentioned, many guests, and they have mainly arrived through airbnb. From the beginning we didn´t have many hopes that we would get many guests through them but they keep coming and we are thankful for that.
Spraying the palm tree to protect it from the red palm weavel |
Adilson cutting the insulation for the roof |
My job among others |
This time of year we have also begun to spray our vines to protect them from mold. We do it once a fortnight and it takes Lars and our helper Adilson a whole day to do it. One is driving the tractor and one is managing the hose and spray.
Today Lars and Adilson are working in the vineyard with straightening the wires, repairing and replacing ols poles.
Lars in action |
Adilson is helping us out 1-2 days a week and he is extremely allround. He is an excellent mechanic but is very good at plastering as well. We will probably need his help for a long time since we´re doing all kinds of improvements on the quinta.
Natalia is our cleaning lady and she is here 2 days/week during the season. She cleans our guest accomodations and does some ironing.
When the two of them are here lunch is included so that is one of the things I am doing. I plan, shop and cook. I wash about 20 machines of laundry/week (when we´re fully booked) and I answer mail and requests. I also take care of the dogs and chickens, bake a lot and clean our home once in a while when there is too much sand from the dogs inside. Some gardening, limoncello and jam making are also on my work list.
someone has to take care of Senhor Lars |
At this very moment only one of our apartments are occupied and that is probably why I have some time to write today. But on Sunday a friend is arriving with her sister and they are staying a week.
All our fruit trees are coming along nicely. There are baby fruit wherever you look.
plums |
quince |
pears |
olives |
apricots |
nectarins |
figs |
The garden is also thriving and we have got roses everywhere.
roses thar smell wonderful |
many passion flowers |
Now I have to prepare lunch for the workers.
Have a wonderful day because we do.
Looks great! Good to hear that you have a lot of guests as well, even if I imagine it´s a lot of work.