Today we had a nice day. It was Sunday and a day for rest and recreation. First we had our very good friends Bernard, Franck and Bernard´s mother over for a cup of coffee. The sun was shining and quite warm. Franck and Bernard picked a couple of oranges for their morning juice. Bernard´s mother is leaving for France on Thursady and she got some white wine to bring home as a souvenir.
In the afternoon we went to a New Year´s concert in Caldas. The Concert hall was all sold out and the atmosphere was really lovely. The music was very good and to summarize our day it was a really good day for contemplation and relaxation in the company of wonderful new friends. Thanks to Ute and Daryoush for the tickets.
We are so looking forward to tomorrow. We will have a small lunch for a couple of our Swedish friends who weren´t here the last time when we threw one lunch gathering. We are preparing the lunch right now so we won´t get all stressed out tomorrow. In the afternoon we also will have two young men arriving from Sweden. They are going to help us on the farm and stay in one of our apartments, the one with the new Salamander
We let you know more tomorrow,
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10 litres of wine |
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