lördag 21 december 2013

Good bye and Christmas buffé

Last day in school, at least for a while. To say good bye to my students was very hard because I love them so much. One of the girls became very angry with me because she got a lower grade this semester. I hurt very much since she is very close. We parted with her not wanted to say good bye.

In the evening we went to a restaurant in Gothenburg. I think it is maybe the third time I have been out when the job has paid. At least since I started to work in schools. We went to Novotel and had a lovely Christmas buffé with mainly seafood and pickled herring, my favourites. The äggost, which is a kind of dessert and a speciality from Bohuslan, is made of eggs, cream and sour cream and heated til it curdles. I just love it.

Today it is winter solstice. So from now on the days are getting longer again, at least after a week or so. I read in the news paper that it is about 10 hours darker now than when it is the lightest, in the summer time that is.
In the beginning you don´t even notice the change bu then in February there is suddenly light again. Now it is so dark.

No day light in Sweden
Only three days to go until Christmas Eve. I am so happy that I get to spend it with my much loved children.

Gotta go


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