torsdag 3 oktober 2013

Lasse travels to Portugal.

The time came when it was time for Lasse to go back to our vineyard in Portugal, this time for the harvest. He and a friend of ours drove around noon to Copenhagen so they could catch a flight to Lisbon from there. There are, unfortunately, no direct connections to Lisbon from Goteborg.

The plane left on time and I followed their route, eagerly, on my computer. I so wanted to go as well. They landed in Lisbon and our friend went into Lisbon to meet his wife there. Lasse got his rented car and headed to Coto, Caldas da Rainha. It was dark and talked to him over the phone helping him find his way. I think he got there about 11.30 local time and he went to bed after a long day.

Next morning it was time for harvest of the white grapes. The weather was perfect, not too hot.

Lasse in full action
There were several people both the previous owners and locals. All in all 9 I think. Some cooked the food for lunch. One drove the tractor and 6 were cutting.

After 5-6 hours the cutting was done and they had lunch. Rabbit casserole, pumpkin soup, fish soup, beef casserole, salad bread and of course wine.

The next day it was time for making the wine

On Sunday it is time for me to be part of my first harvest ever.


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