torsdag 30 januari 2014

going organic

On the farm there are about 120 fruit trees like oranges, lemons, pear, apple quince, medronho (which is also known as the strawberry tree), peaches, olives, cherries, figs, mandarins and grapefruit. There are about 2200 vines, white and blue, for making wine and to eat.

We have our own water from a over 100 meters dug well and there is plenty of it. The water is clean and tastes really well.

The trees are not sprayed with anything toxic and the vines are sprayed today with copper sulfate (?). The plan is to going as green as possible. So now we are looking into alternatives to the copper sulfate.

In the village of Coto there are plastic containers where you can separate your garbage into plastic, metal, glass and paper. The plan is to do the same at the farm so you, as a holiday maker and guest at the farm and we, just can leave your garbage in the proper container and we as the owners empty the containers in the right ones on Coto.

I reckon the chickens will eat all vegetable peels. Yeah the chickens. It means will get free range eggs. And if we can get the time we will grow many of our veggies, tomatoes, pumpkin, onions, courgettes and many more.

We would like to install solar cells and solar panels if it is possible. We have to study everything carefully because we don´t know these things. We don´t know the cost of it and if it will cover the whole property.

You see we have many plans and questions and we hope things will get a bit more clear.

Over and out


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