söndag 18 januari 2015

Where is the duck?

We have never had chickens before but it has always been a dream. The previous owners had a lot of chickens, ducks, turkeys, goats, a sheep, quails, dogs, cats and even a peacock. They wanted us to take over all the animals but they were leaving in March and we moved here in April so there were no one who could look after the animals. We also brought our own three dogs and couldn´t really have anymore.

Our neighbour keeps chickens, goats and ducks. We haven´t seen them but you can hear them sometimes. That´s why I thought one of their ducks had ran away and accidently come in to our chicken coop, one morning when I found one huge egg in one of the nests.

Normal egg and tea light
That egg was twice the size as the other normal eggs. The next day the same thing happened. I found yet another huge egg in one of the nests. We have only got 5 chickens and there was no duck in sight. Later that afternoon I talked to a neighbour who has a lot of chickens. He said that that can happen some times but that we had to be careful. It can be one of those hybrids. I think I have written about that before, the day when we had bought the wrong chickens.wrong chickens. It can be a hybrid laying those big eggs. Then we will have to kill that one because one of the eggs can get so big that it can´t come out. We have to look out for it. But it can also be perfectly normal. Some chickens just lay very big eggs. Normally they´ve got two yolks in them. Twice as good then.

the same egg and tea light+ a duck egg?

Have a good Sunday


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